Retreat/Training Programs
Empowerment Enterprise offers professional training programs and retreats to inspire confidence, excellence, and develop skills as leaders -- customized to meet your company's needs and budget.
Christian ministry formation
The source of all power, all life in humanity and nature is an almighty, all loving God. No breath in this world is taken without His consent. We are mere servants desiring to do His will.
Whoever speaks should proclaim God's message; whoever ministers should serve by the power that God gives, so that in all of you God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 4:11,8
The Couples Praying Together book and its experiential retreat aligns two hearts with the force of faith in an Almighty and all loving God, and whether married, or engaged, or separated and longing for reunion provides practice in beautiful ways of praying together.
About Empowerment Enterprise
Mick and Sheila
Sheila Grant Michie
• 30 years teaching experience regular and special education
• Principal with Tulsa Public Schools providing instructional leadership, administration and staff supervision
• Established and directed Kendall-Whittier Youth Mentoring Program
• Leader for Great Expectations Exploratory Camp and instituted various innovative character-building instructional programs
• Founder of Women of Peace blog and ministry
• Bachelors Education; Masters Curriculum and Instruction
Charles "Mick" Michie
• 30 years organizational development and experiential education.
• Eleven years coordination and management of training programs with the University of Oklahoma
• Ten years director of youth ministry developing professional leadership, and camp, retreat and conference programs.
• Trained in group and organizational dynamics using Technology of Participation through Institute of Cultural Affairs; Mountaineering through Colorado Outward Bound School and Ropes facilitation through Learning Unlimited
• Bachelors Sociology; Masters Public Administration
This reveals more of the reasons for the hope that lies within us.
Then a cloud came, casting a shadow over them;
from the cloud came a voice,
"This is my beloved Son. Listen to him."
Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone
but Jesus alone with them.
Mark 9: 2-10
Sometimes we may feel like a “mess”. We think, “where's the joy?” and we’re quick to suppose that the Lord is not with us. Even when we mess up, when we don't do as we intend to do (Rm 7:15), enormous grace pours over us as we make a return to our first love--the Father who created us out of love. That's what He desires--for us to keep making a return whenever we veer off course, and He will return to us as He promised.
(Zech 1:3)