Formation Series
Couples Praying Together
Do you want to learn to pray more with your beloved?
There’s an untapped force when two faithful and committed people come together and pray to God in the name of His Son, Jesus, for the same intention.
Whether dating, engaged, married, physically separated, or emotionally longing for reunion, this 4-week series offers a variety of ways of praying — all designed to open up the hearts and minds of couples and help align the force of faith as they experience the practice of praying daily, faithfully, freely and joyfully — together.
The Salvation of the just comes from the Lord, their stronghold in time of distress. The Lord helps them and delivers them and saves them: for their refuge is in him. (Psalm 37: 39)
The Gift:
Life in the Spirit
“Let us discover, dear brothers and sisters the beauty of being baptized in the Holy Spirit.” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
This seminar deepens a person’s relationship with the Holy Trinity. Through prayer, interactive presentation, discussion, and study, participants are reawakened to the activity of the Holy Spirit and experience the gifts bestowed at Baptism and reinforced in Confirmation. Over a week-end, seven talks prepare for new life in the Spirit, an experience of New Pentecost:
Session 1: God’s Love
Session 2: Salvation
Session 3: The New Life
Session 4: Receiving God’s Gifts
Session 5: Prayer for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Session 6: Growth
Session 7: Transformation in Christ
Teachings will inspire and challenge to pray with new fervor, “Come Holy Spirit and renew the face of the earth!”

Formation Training
Healing Prayer Team Formation
Understanding that God is the source of all healing, this formation series prepares participants to serve in healing prayer ministry. Through structured learning, participants are trained in teams to call upon the Holy Spirit and lead, intercede, and support a person’s physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual healing. Covered are 4 distinct steps in leading someone in Healing Prayer:
Ø Interview
Ø Prayer of expectancy and authority
Ø Assessment
Ø Thanks and blessing
Women of Peace
1 day – 2 day
Based on teachings from Pope John Paul II “Genius of Women” these retreats/presentations are for women of all ages.
Jail Ministry
Restoring Dignity New Identity
It is not uncommon to hold an out-of-sight/out-of-mind attitude toward the imprisoned. But, Jesus’ words ring eternal “Blessed are the merciful….”MT 5:7; “for I was in prison and you visited me” MT 25:37.
This effort towards restorative justice seeks to draw men and women to prayer and deeper knowledge of who we are in Christ, in His Church, and who we are in the Father. Rooted in Catholicism, Christ’s light is spread and the Holy Spirit transforms broken lives. Mature adults are encouraged to consider participating in this ministry.